— Art

Border Management in the Space of the Viewer „Since the development of photographic recording technologies, every social conflict is a struggle for control of the space of the viewer.“

Kunst, Space of the Viewer, Julian Röder, Frontex, Ariella Azoulay
Hatje Cantz Verlag, 18. Juli 2014

"I will never do it again" „Marina Abramovic reveals why she teamed up with Jay-Z for a video shoot – and how she came to feel 'completely used'“

Kunst, Musik, Kulturökonomie, Marina Abramovic, MoMA, Jay-Z, Picasso Baby, Ulay, Celebritive Turn, attention economy
Spike Art Quarterly, 18. Mai 2015

Content Overload „The view­er’s space is now brea­king down. Walls are shif­ting. The neon tube is be­com­ing a mo­bi­le pho­ne. Floors are made of card­board. The frames tilt towards the ob­ser­vers. The ob­ser­vers are in the screen.“

Kunst, Post-Internet, Videonale, Ryan Trecartin, Ed Atkins, Hito Steyerl, NASA, NSA, Baroque, Katja Novitskova, Timur Si-Qin, Yngve Holen, Oliver Laric, Ken Okiishi, Michael Manning, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, Susanne von Falkenhausen, DISmagazine, Jennifer Allen, Rococo Conceptualism, Johann Sebastian Bach
Videonale Festival for Contemporary Video Art 15 Catalogue, 27. Februar 2015

Semiotic Sabotages „While younger post-Internet artists juggle new disjunctions of matter, medium and sense, Heinrich Dunst delves directly into the core of their questions.“

Kunst, Heinrich Dunst, Vienna Secession, Austrotherm, Concrete Poetry, Neo Geo, Gerwald Rockenschaub, Heimo Zobernig, Post-Internet Art
Art in America, 07. November 2014

In The Town That Is No Town „Maybe we should think less about founding new project spaces than about founding a city.“

Kunst, Kulturökonomie, Berlin, gentrification, art market, Bertolt Brecht, Rise and Fall of the City of Mahagonny, Google, YouTube
Vector Artists Journal, 12. September 2014

Where is the Money? „Art and money are currently trading places in an astonishing way. Art is becoming a currency, harder than coltan and gold.“

Kunst, Kulturökonomie, art market, speculation, money, currency, Marina Abramovic, attention economy, David Joselit, After Art, Brian O'Doherty, Celebritive Turn, Stefan Simchowitz, Phillips, Christie's, Brett Gorvy, Steven Murphy, Jay-Z, Kanye West, Pharell Williams, George Bush, Winston Churchill, Guggenheim, UBS Bank
Spike Art Quarterly, 23. Juni 2014

The Exhibition as Laboratory „Visitors are expected to come again and again, and the work is supposed to come into its own. That is a bit like the tortoise and the hare: every time you came back, you are just as far from the finishing line as before.“

Kunst, Pra­xes, Jut­ta Koe­ther, Ge­r­ard Byr­ne
frieze d/e, 26. Februar 2014

A Market Takes Off „There is no longer just one art market. There are now two: the top and the rest. What’s fatal is that their connections are disappearing.“

Kunst, Kulturökonomie, Art Market, New York, Ni­co­le Klags­brun, Da­vid Zwir­ner, Lar­ry Ga­go­si­an, Jeff Koons, Jer­ry Saltz, Ri­chard Ser­ra, Blin­ky Pa­ler­mo, Hur­ri­kan San­dy, Chel­sea, Real Fine Arts, Pace Gal­le­ry, Hau­ser & Wirth, Johann König, Monica Bonvicini, Martin Klosterfelde, Kraupa-Tuskany Zeidler, St. Agnes
Preview Berlin 2013 Catalogue, 18. September 2013

Searching for Pakistan „Imran Qureshi’s works conjure up the vulnerability of the body as well as the social membrane. They show identity and safety as fleeting, borrowed, in constant jeopardy, along with the society they stem from.“

Kunst, Reise, Imran Qureshi, Lahore, Pakistan, Deutsche Bank Kunsthalle, Venedig-Biennale, Aisha Khalid
Deutsche Bank ArtMag, 17. April 2013

Tendenz: YouTube „The proliferation of images on commercial video platforms has much in common with graffiti and street art, and, for the art business, it seems to hold the promises of reality shock and authenticity associated with those genres.“

Kunst, YouTube, Schirn Kunst­hal­le, Leo Ga­bin, Mat­thi­as Fritsch, Tech­no­Vi­king, Ba­sed in Ber­lin, Ur­he­ber­schaft, Würt­tem­ber­gi­scher Kunst­ver­ein
frieze d/e, 14. Februar 2013

Aesthetics without Resistance „Alfredo Jaar actually erects walls that divide the publics between which he claims to mediate.“

Kunst, Al­fre­do Jaar, Ber­li­ni­sche Ga­le­rie, Neue Ge­sell­schaft für Bil­den­de Kunst, Kunst­ver­ein Arns­berg, Ber­tolt Brecht
frieze d/e, 13. November 2012

Away, Away! Talk of Catastrophe and the Desire to Disappear „We will all die. The world as we know it will disappear. We want it that way.“

Kunst, apocalypticism, virtuality, Jean Baudrillard, photography, European Month of Photography, simulacra, Roland Barthes, Ludwig Wittgenstein, Lars von Trier, Sigrid Weigel
distURBANces – Can Fiction Beat Reality? (European Month of Photography), 18. Oktober 2012

Renzo Martens „By controlling reality in the Congo, Europe is first and foremost protecting its own reality.“

Kunst, Congo, Renzo Martens, Jonathan Swift
Katalog der 6. Berlin Biennale, 10. Juni 2010

Sven-Åke Johansson „All names are arbitrary; every helicopter is animate, every rotor blade an instrument.“

Kunst, Ludwig Wittgenstein, Sven-Åke Johansson
Katalog der 6. Berlin Biennale, 11. Juni 2010

Nir Evron „The dreamlike weaving and unweaving of images and their narrative patterns opens up associative spaces in the network of collective memories and raises questions about their representation.“

Kunst, Nir Evron
Katalog der 6. Berlin Biennale, 11. Juni 2010

Nilbar Güres „In drawings, collages, performances, videos, and photographs she overstates the norms of the majority society, countering them with hybridized enactments of female identity.“

Kunst, Istanbul, Nilbar Güres
Nilbar Güres: Who is the Subject?, OSMOS Books New York, 01. September 2013
Katalog der 6. Berlin Biennale, 11. Juni 2010

Vincent Vulsma „If abstract art transcended painting, Vincent Vulsma transcends abstraction. His work simply reflects back the demand that art negotiate reality.“

Kunst, Vincent Vulsma, Kasimir Malewitsch
Katalog der 6. Berlin Biennale, 11. Juni 2010

Danh Vo „Danh Vo transcends the dispositifs of the private and the alien, showing them as unfinished, historically contingent intersections of social processes.“

Kunst, Danh Vo
Katalog der 6. Berlin Biennale, 11. Juni 2010

Bernard Bazile „Rather than produce material differences, Bazile works on existing visual codes and positions to break frames of discourse and facilitate new forms of exchange that circumvent the ultimately abortive complicity of artist, work, and viewer.“

Kunst, Bernard Bazile
Katalog der 6. Berlin Biennale, 11. Juni 2010

Olga Chernysheva „Society is also the distribution of attention. Chernysheva’s photographs, drawings, installations, paintings, and videos measure out the present in a topography of gazes and longings.“

Kunst, Olga Chernysheva
Katalog der 6. Berlin Biennale, 11. Juni 2010

Adrian Lohmüller „If Lohmüller extends the concept of the social to the material in his installations, conversely it is technical processes that get under our skin.“

Kunst, Adrian Lohmüller
Katalog der 6. Berlin Biennale, 11. Juni 2010
adkv - art cologne preis
für kunstkritik 2012

der Akademie der Künste 2018